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To all beloved site users- guests, members, et cetera:

Once again, the Leaders Generation welcomes you to our Official Website!
But with the given opportunity to visit and post in this site, we would like to notify you that with it comes your responsibility to follow several rules that we're setting for this site. And they are as follows:

  1. All visiting bona fide members of the Leaders Generation (or of the Joy in Christ Church as a whole) are qualified to register as Site Members. Any guests who does not meet the said qualification yet wishes to register could send a request e-mail to leadersgeneration@yahoo.com and wait for confirmation.
  2. The Leaders Generation shall not be held responsible for any radical claims or beliefs- religious, socio-political, societal, et cetera- stated implicitly or explicitly by any of this Site's users.
  3. All official announcements in behalf of the Leaders Generation shall be posted by the Website Administrator or any authorized user (such as YP Officers and Department Heads). Any other sources shall not be considered credible.
  4. Any form of nudity, violence, sexuality, discrimination (e.g. gender, racial, cultural or religious), spamming or profanity in profile IDs, avatars and posts are strictly prohibited. Once the Administrators and/or Moderators spot any of these to be present in any portion of this site, it would be immediately removed from the site.
  5. As etiquette, we strongly recommend all users to avoid using SMS-style (text-style shortcuts) writing in any posts for clarity and formality purposes.
  6. Although we are allowing all members to access our File Catalog, all files submitted and posted in this place must be:
    • related to the Leaders Generation and/or the Joy in Christ Church,
    • not including any confidential or sensitive content, and
    • not violating any of the stated Site Rules and Regulations.
  7. All users should refrain from posting offensive comments or posts directed to any person, group or organization. Such posts would be deleted upon notice.
  8. User impersonation is strongly prohibited in this site. Such users shall be immediately suspended.

Disciplinary action for such violations are as follows:

For Site Members:
  • (1st Offense)
The violator shall be categorized by the Site Administrator as First Probationary Status. This classification means that the user shall be sent an e-mail stating the grounds of his/her violation and will be placed under observation for 2 weeks.  If positive response is seen under the observation period, he/she will be reclassified under Normal Status.
  • (2nd Offense)
If the user continues to make violations during the 2-week observation while under First Probationary Status, he/she shall be re-categorized to Second Probationary Status, meaning he/she shall be restricted from posting in the Website for 1 week (an e-mail shall be sent to the user notifying his/her status) and shall be placed under observation for 1 month starting the user's day of suspension.If positive response is seen, the user shall be reclassified under First Probationary Status
  • (3rd Offense)
If the user continues to make violations during the 1-month observation while under Second Probationary Status, he/she shall be re-categorized to Final Probationary Status, meaning he/she shall be restricted from posting in the Website (an e-mail shall be sent to the user notifying his/her status) until he/she sends a letter of explanation [as to discuss his/her reasons for continuously violating the Site Rules and Regulations] within thirty (30) days. If positive response is seen, the user shall be reclassified under First Probationary Status.

  • (Final Offense)
If the user fails to send a e-mail containing the requested letter of explanation within the allotted 30 days while under Final Probationary Status, the user's account shall be deleted immediately. The user could register for another account provided that he/she sends an e-mail to the Website Administrator requesting for application for Site Membership.

For Non-Site Members:
  • Any form of violation will be immediate cause for the Administrator to block the IP Address for one (1) week. If the suspension for the said IP Address has been lifted and another violation has been spotted or reported soonafter, such violation would be basis for permanent blocking of the IP Address.

«  February 2025  »

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For any suggestions, comments or inquiries, you may write on our guestbook or send us an e-mail at leadersgeneration@yahoo.com.
The Leaders Generation is a Youth Organization of Joy in Christ Church located at cor. Luckyville Subdivision and Molino National Road, Molino, Bacoor, Cavite.
Copyright Leaders Generation © 2025
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